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alt_header_15 Minutes Of Fame Raid Train 2025


 15 Minutes Of Fame Raid Train 2025

 Sat. 15 March 2025
 16:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes" - Andy Warhol

The 15 Minutes of Fame Raid Train will be on Saturday, March 15th. The raid train consists of time slots that are exactly 15 minutes long - a total of 48 time slots filling 12 hours, Noon to Midnight ET. Streamers go live at their time and raid out in exactly 15 minutes to the next streamer on the train. 

What can you stream during your 15 minutes? Anything! Play all freestyle, paint a picture, read from a book, hit us with some good ol' rock'n'roll - it's all up to you. All we ask is that you keep it to 15 minutes and raid out to the next scheduled streamer on time.

More details: and all graphics/flyers: Dropbox


Time table


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