Is RaidPal only for Twitch?
Yes, RaidPal is developed as an App for Twitch only.
What is the best browser for RaidPal?
The best browser and experience for PC or Mac on desktop is Chrome, Firefox or Edge, and on your mobile device this is also Chrome, Firefox or Edge because they are Chromium based browsers.
Why do I need to sign in (connect to Twitch) every time after a few hours?
We think safety is important. Because a login contains certain data that should not remain available for too long, we have chosen to delete the session every few hours. This is how we keep RaidPal safe. Fortunately, logging in is very easy with the push of a button!
Is RaidPal free?
Yes,RaidPal is free. It is a community platform. Its from and for the streamers!
Is the event page findable in search engines like Google or Bing?
Yes, because RaidPal is A-graded website with the optimal search parameters, your event page is visible all over the world. If you don't want this, just set your page to invisible in the Dashboard.
Can I create events for myself only?
When you create an event on RaidPal you create an event with others, this is called a Raid. This means your event has 2 slots at least.
Can I move claimed slots around in my event to manage them?
You move slots when you are the organiser of the event. Just drag and drop the slots where you want. The streamer will get notified or invited to this new slot position.
Is it possible to edit my event?
Yes, it is possible in many ways. You can even personalise your event page.
I'm a manager of streamer DJ's, can I create events so that the DJ's can join?
Yes, as manager you create the event and ask your streamer DJ to pick the slot. And you are ready.
What personal details are stored in RaidPal?
Because we log you in safely with Twitch, we do not store any personal details except your display name, email address some tokens for access to Twitch. Beside that, RaidPal stores data you entered in your streamer profile, events you created or slots you claimed.
How do I sign in with another account when already logged-in?
Just headover to Twitch, sign out and sign in again on RaidPal with your other account.
How safe is it to use RaidPal as I have to give permissions when I login for first time?
RaidPal needs access to your email address and needs permissions to change your stream title only. To set it automatically when your Raid event starts, so that everyone has the same event stream title. RaidPal also prefers mod permission to announce line-up or other things. Just like all other bots. Thats it!
The RaidPal Chatbot is not showing up in my Chat
Make sure you add RaidPal as role moderator in your chat on Twitch by typing /mod raidpal once.
Is any other bot affecting the RaidPal bot when used simultaneously?
No, RaidPal can be used together with all other bots.
How do I change the interval of the chat messages from RaidPal or even set them on or off?
Just connect to RaidPal with your Twitch Account and head over to settings. There you find the options to change interval or even switch chat messages on or off.
Is RaidPal only for DJ's?
No, RaidPal is intended to use for all Twitch Streamers, looking for a solution to manage raids.
How many RaidPal tabs can I open in my browser simultaneously?
You can open about 3 to 5 RaidPal tabs, because we limit the number of simultaneous load by one user, based on your IP.
How do I remove my account?
If you really want to leave our great community, you go to your personal settings. In the bottom of the page you can request account removal. This will happen within 14 days after the request. All your data will be removed.