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 Action for Children fundraiser

 Sat. 07 December 2024
 09:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

4.3 million children in the UK live in poverty*. That's 30% of children living in poverty. That’s unthinkable. A level of poverty that should be confined to history.   And child poverty is rising. The figure has risen by 700,000 in the past 10 years, with the cost-of-living crisis making children even more vulnerable. Our frontline services supporting families tell us they have never seen poverty like this.

Thanks to amazing people like you, we can be there for thousands of vulnerable children in the UK. Your donation could help our frontline service staff reach the children that need us the most, from putting food in the fridge to preventing neglect, abuse and homelessness.   765,905 Children & families helped last year 426   Services in communities across the UK 150 years   We've been helping children since 1869


Time table


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