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alt_header_@DJRecoveryRate 4 Year Twitchaversary


 @DJRecoveryRate 4 Year Twitchaversary

 Thu. 20 February 2025
 20:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

There will always be more than I could ever include, but these streamers invited are also very special. Follow them and share what they do, now and always. They will light you up with their tunes, and keep you coming back for more!

I've been at it four years (online, at least) thanks to you all. It will only get more fun from here :) Again, I ain't stopping!

My eclectic Vinyl & Digital collection (and wantlist) has expanded a bunch during this time across all (sub-) genres. I've shared so much rare, obscure, and hard-to-find music, as well as local heros (bands/producers) like many of us do. Still don't have a stream schedule, nor am I on any of the Twitch Teams. But when I do find myself live it is nothing but sharing my discoveries.

The aim is to balance the scale and bring smaller acts to larger notice and recognition. As well as bring back a few memories we all have with certain forgotten musics, creating new ones. All while I try to stay up on new happenings. It is also to dissolve our personal barriers and to create space where we can be at ease and share in the muse (even if sometimes the music is not easy-listening ;)

I often dual-stream to Kick. Would you follow me there as well?
For everything else, there's


Time table


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