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alt_header_BOOFNOSIS (lilboofs 1500 follower special)


 BOOFNOSIS (lilboofs 1500 follower special)

 Fri. 28 March 2025
 21:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

BOOFNOSIS is a DJ raid hosted by lilboofs and phrögnosis, stationed in Dartmouth, NS. Representing a lot of east coast DJs, we come together every Friday at 6AST to deliver some heavy hitting EDM. We are open format, but we play anything from dubstep, hip-hop, trap to silliness including rave hardcore, video game music and bouts of Crazy Frog. Our focus is on representing Canadian DJs, especially on the East Coast, and pals! We love having a place to come together during the winter months where we don't go out as much to shows.


Time table


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