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alt_header_CLUB ViBE celebrates DJ_LP_ViBE's Birthday


 CLUB ViBE celebrates DJ_LP_ViBE's Birthday

 Fri. 28 June 2024
 13:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

~Calling all DJ's. Open Format. Make sure to follow the DJ before and after you and be in there stream before the raid time.

~This Raid Train is to celebrate my 55th Birthday on June 28 and just shows how age I'd just a number. I am having more fun now then at any point I my life and I want to CELEBRATE!

~A few points of etiquette: ~Please show up in the DJ's stream prior to your set 10-30 minutes ahead of time to let them know you will be ready for hand over. Please give a shout-out in your stream to the DJ that raided you or any DJ you recognize from our raids playlist. ~Once you finish your set and Raid to the next DJ, please stay for a little bit and interact and please do not go back and start streaming again for at least two hours. In other words, don't compete against the raid. Please join my Discord to make distribution of flyer easier. My Discord channel is

~(Optional). Follow Raidpal on TWITCH. Make them a Moderator (at least during raid day). This will allow Raidpal to remind your listeners of the next 3 slots in the Raid Train without you needing to make a special chat timer. You can always in un-mod them when the shift is over. (Remember, this is optional.)

~ Raid Schedule Flyers and CLUB ViBE badges will be provided on my Discord under the channel #my-raid-events


Time table


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