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alt_header_Daymar Rally 2954 Raid Train [Open Format]


 Daymar Rally 2954 Raid Train [Open Format]

 Sat. 20 January 2024
 16:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

Let's mix it up while the universe's filthiest race takes place!

The Daymar Rally is a race event held in the Star Citizen Universe by ATMO eSports. A Star Citizen account will not be required to participate in this event, as everything occurs on Twitch/YouTube.

DJ Requirements: As a DJ, you must include a PIP (picture-in-picture) of the ATMO eSports feed ( showing the Daymar Rally Race on your stream. The feed's audio will be muted, just the video so the spectators can keep up to date on the race.

If you need assistance with this, please contact @sikosis for OBS tips and tricks.


Time table


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