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alt_header_👽 Doof Land - NHI 🤖


 ðŸ‘½ Doof Land - NHI 🤖

 Sat. 06 July 2024
 08:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)



Doof Land


 About the event

👽 DOOF LAND: Non Human Intelligence 🤖

Welcome to another Doofland event #2 in our "Extraterrestial" series: NHI

UFO/UAPs are visiting us. They lie above. We are not alone. Communication thus so far has been primative, only conducted in secret by black op programs and on a need to know basis. Well, Doof Land believes everyone now needs to know this truth, and that recent scientific breakthroughs illuminate electronic music as the key to engaging in full open contact and communication with Non Human Intelligence.

You have been specifically chosen due to your, out of this world skill as a DJ, intellect and apptitude, to be a spokesman for our planet.. our race... our future. It's all in your hands - the fate of our world rests on the 1's and 2's and your music.
They lie above and are listening. LET'S GO!

2 slots allowed (together up to 4hrs)
Mainstage performances are required to put across a friendly but firm statement that will be recieved with respect and kindness.
Psytrance is the principal dialect they understand... but all NHI can also understand Techno, House, DnB, Breaks and almost all forms of electronic music. So bring your A game and play what you know and love. 

Smart people know that this is real and we are not alone and it's time for the veil to be lifted.


Time table


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