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alt_header_Fundraiser Raid: Help John with hip operation caused by cancer


 Fundraiser Raid: Help John with hip operation caused by cancer

 Fri. 30 June 2023
 15:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

The purpose of this fundraiser is to raise funds for John to have another urgent hip operation. Having a combination of bone marrow cancer and a rare disease (Osteomyelitis) at the young age of 9 caused damage his bones to be brittle and shatter. This resulted in him having to have a hip replacement. After a current hospital visit, the bearing in his prosthetic hip was found to be failing. On investigation, two tumours (which we pray is not cancerous) were also found that need removal. And, while compensating for his failing hip, he has damaged the L5 region of his spine. Right now, the bearing can still be replaced, but if not soon, the cup and shaft will need to be replaced as well. The target is for £10,000 to cover the cost of the operation and aftercare.


Time table


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