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alt_header_further down the spiral: a nine inch nails raid train


 further down the spiral: a nine inch nails raid train

 Fri. 17 May 2024
 19:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

celebrating the 59th birthday of trent reznor, we'll be playing nine inch nails and related music all day long on friday, may 17th. 

nin raid train guidelines:

  • stick to nine inch nails or music created/written/produced by trent reznor. this can include soundtracks and side projects.
  • no stylistic rules. play what you feel works.
general raid guidelines (you already know this part):
  • please turn off follower-only or sub-only chat settings during your slot on the raid.
  • try to start 5 minutes before your slot, and raid on time to the next streamer. 
  • promote whatever you want to. no worries.
flyers and other graphic elements are available here:


Time table


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