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alt_header_House Is a Feeling Raid Train â„–7 | Dec 14 + 15, 2024


 House Is a Feeling Raid Train â„–7 | Dec 14 + 15, 2024

 Sat. 14 December 2024
 22:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)



Team HiAF


 About the event

HiAF â„–7 - House is a feeling! Dec. 14 + 15, 2024

Underground, funky, bass, tech, progressive, tropical, organic, groovy, afro...we love it.

Hang out with us and our favorite DJs and let's get HiAF on the music! 

💖🪩👇👇👇 DJs 👇👇👇🪩💖

🔥 OBS Flier, IG/Twitch story, command 🔥

Join the discord and intro yourself in the HiAF channel. Please don't message me here or whisper me. 💖

I will tag you on Instagram and Twitch stories with the schedule the day we start. Please reshare it. 

👇👇👇Good etiquette 😻 DJs please: 👇👇👇

  • Tech or internet issues? Ask the previous DJ to stay on longer, or the next one to start early
  • Share at least the Twitch/IG stories
  • Stream Title:  HiAF â„–7 | thank you <@previousdj> up next <@nextdj>
  • Display the HiAF logo on your main scene and the flier wherever in OBS
  • Visit and chat with the DJs before and after you; this is how you grow your audience
  • Shoutout the DJ raiding you and any other HiAF DJ using "/shoutout djusername" in chat
  • Please be on 5 min before your set time. If you want to go on early, that's fine
  • If you're the closer, play as long as you like!
  • Please leave a window open for the train 💖 🪩 🎶
  • Add RaidPal as a moderator in your chat by typing /mod raidpal 
  • Raid out on time unless you're in a Hype Train, then raid out as soon as it's done. Same goes for getting a big raid in. Greet them, play an extra 10 min, and then raid out. Just communicate with the next DJ. We'd rather keep the big new crew and make them feel welcome!


Time table


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