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alt_header_Infinite Light: Mutual Aid for Our Friend, Valo Infinity


 Infinite Light: Mutual Aid for Our Friend, Valo Infinity

 Fri. 04 October 2024
 18:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

A little information from the fundraiser page (PLEASE click the link to learn more!):

Our friend, known in the Twitch / Discord artist communities as Valo Infinity, is a long time moderator for Aaron Goldberg and one of the first friends I made on Twitch! Experiencing a friendship with him over these last 4 years has been a great honor and pleasure. Right now, he is facing a rather impossible situation, and Aaron's and my hope is that the community can come together for this amazing person and his beautiful family!

Valo is a full-time caregiver to his 13-year-old son, Vincent, who has been diagnosed with terminal Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. This progressive disease has severely limited his ability to move, and he is his primary caregiver—helping him with everything from using the bathroom to accessing their home and vehicle. Due to Vincent’s condition, Valo is unable to work a traditional job because Vincent needs constant support, and his care is Valo's full-time responsibility. He currently lives on a Disability income of $22,000 a year. Valo and his family can (barely) makes ends meet on that income, but have been faced with a very challenging situation that has left them in very dire circumstances. Valo, Vincent, Vincent's brother Dexter, and the children's mother Samantha need some support from our community in this challenging time.

Valo and his family were just informed they have 6 months to find a new place to live. With skyrocketing rents in Ontario and the necessary expenses involved with moving and with making their new home accessible for Vincent, we are asking for any financial support for this family - shares and sending light and love also go a long way! 

It is our hope that our community can come together and offer any support to them during this time. We are organizing a virtual festival with many incredible artists who always, when called upon, offer loving support to this community. We hope you can join us in enjoying some beautiful lovey vibes for a weekend, in support for our good friend, Valo Infinity!

More details here!



Time table


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