Swamp Bass & Beats has teamed up with TNC Tsunami (Saturday 1/4/25) to create a two-day extra special collaboration to celebrate the beginning of 2025!
Each time slot is 2 hours; max 1 slot per customer! :)
24 Hours of open format mostly EDM excellence thrown down your ear holes by some of the most interesting and entertaining motherfroggers on the planet!
We'll be placing additional info like flyers, logos and stuff in Discord right about.... here: https://discord.gg/Kd7E3eFFnJ . When in doubt... say, "RIBBIT!"
Flyers & Logos Here ---> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ax5mqgwdvd55llj9wcn61/AL5rlSCGIEt7MxxE_PMmm_0?rlkey=8985i0r8o3ogml6fmluhshxay&st=8znw63dg&dl=0
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Hop through the Swamp Bass & Beats FB Group for additional information or just to say Hi! :) :) https://www.facebook.com/groups/884287699418175