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alt_header_Le Petit Train Des DJ


 Le Petit Train Des DJ

 Thu. 03 April 2025
 06:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)


 About the event

Come have fun and share your passion for good music.

Bass & Club, Dance music, Disco, Electro, Eurodance, Eurodisco, Funky house, House, Melodic house, Pop, Synth-pop, Techno, Trance...

Registration ends March 14, 6:00 p.m. (UTC)
I will send you the necessary information directly by twitch message
A poster will be posted on my Twitch Bio shortly after registration closes.

Venez vous amuser et partager votre passion pour la bonne musique.

Bass & Club, Dance music, Disco, Electro, Eurodance, Eurodisco, Funky house, House, Melodic house, Pop, Synth-pop, Techno, Trance...

Fin des inscriptions le 28 mars 18H00 ( UTC )
Je vous enverrai les informations nécessaire directement par message twitch
Une affiche sera postée sur ma Bio twitch peu de temps apprès la fin des inscriptions. 

Team logo


Time table


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