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alt_header_Lee Hughes 1000 Follower Celebration & MIND Charity Train


 Lee Hughes 1000 Follower Celebration & MIND Charity Train

 Fri. 08 November 2024
 12:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)


 About the event

Please join Lee's Celebrationary Raid Train as he has hit 1000 followers on Twitch. He will be allowing all DJs to mix what they want as this will be an OPEN RAID TRAIN.

Lee has also expressed that this train will be a charity event for MIND

Even though 1 in 4 people have mental health problems, most of us don’t get the help we need. This has to change. We’re Mind. We’re here to fight for mental health. For support, for respect, for you.

How do we make a difference?
We change minds across England and Wales by making mental health an everyday priority. By standing up to the injustices – in healthcare, in work, in law – which make life harder for those of us with mental health problems.

We support minds – by offering help whenever you might need it through our information, advice and local services.

And we connect minds. Bringing together an unstoppable network of individuals and communities – people who care about mental health to make a difference.

Watch the video below to learn more about who we are, and what we stand for.

Charity Event Link: COMING SOON

One slot per DJ which will be 2 hour slots only. Please request the code through

This event is also in conjunction with Euphoria Radio




Time table


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