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alt_header_MEGA SoulOn Raid Train


 MEGA SoulOn Raid Train

 Fri. 15 November 2024
 09:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

Iku_Soul_aka_barsoulon, many of you have seen his streams on Twitch, maybe even visited his bar in Yokohama , Japan.

As you may know Iku Soul's bar SoulOn had to close due to a fire on a lower floor in the building.
He was told to move out and has to look for a new location for the bar.
This is also the reason he is not streaming on Twitch for a while.
It will take some time before SoulOn can reopen again.

So together with my fellow mods, viewers and friends i came up with the idea of organizing a --> SoulOn Raid Train <-- to help him. 
And at least put a smile to his face 🥰

I've never done anything like this before.
I don't even know where to start...
Writing invites, thinking about flyers, overlay's, emotes, dates, qr codes
Still investigating, making lists, sorting things out.....but excited to make this a succes !!

I hope you will join us !

Much love Tuinkabouter1965 and friends.❤️



Time table


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