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alt_header_Mental Health Awareness - The Artbreakers journey


 Mental Health Awareness - The Artbreakers journey

 Fri. 14 June 2024
 19:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

Twitch has an amazing power of getting people together and helping eachother out.

The Artbreaker /Joshua Decker, a member of our community is going tru hard times at this moment and we would like to help him by supporting his cause with this train. For the full story you can check the GoFundMe page linked below.
Ive set this train up for 2 hrs each max so we can have a lot of people involved. Send me a whisper on Twitch for the code to enter. We appreciate all the help.

Not everybody is capable for financial support, we understand that. Thats one of the reasons for this train.
This way, we as streamers, can at least raise awareness for this goal and maybe some extra support along the way.
Support is also given by reading the go fund me and sharing this with friends and on social media.
Join us in this journey for awareness!
And ofcourse....... if you are capable, we appreciate every donation given!

And as he says himself: "Please help if you can, please share if you cannot. I am confident with my continued efforts with medication and therapy, and eventually a new job, that I can make it out of the woods with your support."

Let's do this!

Join my discord for the communication and train assets in the central train station


Time table


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