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alt_header_Rare Instruments Raid Train!


 Rare Instruments Raid Train!

 Fri. 23 May 2025
 07:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event


Do you not play piano, guitar, violin or drums?

Is your instrument quite rare? Come join us! Or it slightly more rare than the mainstream instruments? Hop on!


All rare instruments are welcome here, from harp, hurdy gurdy, koto, steel pan, pan flute, banjo, etz. You name it!

Let's show everyone what are wonderful instruments can do and let's make some music together. Most importantly have fun and let's meet other wonderful streamers aswell!


Please claim a 1 hour slot, feel free to also claim another 1 hour slot to connect the raid train if we get towards the event date. 

You are also free to sign up for 2  separate sessions in the raid train, (if we get a longer raid train)

Please be live 15 minutes before you get raided. That way it can be fun for everyone! :)

And raid on time to the next person <3


Feel free to message LEAstreamss on Twitch for more info (and event posters, will come later)

P.S. sorry for the reschedule it was in conflict with Twitch Europe. Hope this works for everyone!


Time table


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