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 Save Priss's Eyes

 Mo. 30 September 2024
 17:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

Hello - it’s me, Priscilla, wildly known to most as Pris or “Pree”! As some of you may know, I’ve been dealing with some vision issues over the last year and the time has finally come to proceed with the necessary eye surgery to hopefully save my left eye from total vision loss. Times are hard for everyone, so I fully understand if you cannot contribute and I absolutely hate that I even have to ask for help! All contributions will be going towards the cost of surgery, aftercare, and to assist with bills as I will have to take unpaid time off work for recovery. From the deepest depths of my heart, to any and all who are able to assist, THANK YOU. The kindness and goodness I have already seen from friends means the absolute world to me. Of course, prayers and positive thoughts would be greatly appreciated! LOVE Y’ALL!                            


Time table


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