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alt_header_SKY BASS COMM ONE Drum & Bass Raid Train - Hosted by @POLYMATHICdnb


 SKY BASS COMM ONE Drum & Bass Raid Train - Hosted by @POLYMATHICdnb

 Wed. 15 November 2023
 12:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

SKY BASS is a Dutch in real life drum & bass event & label, which focuses on putting small and large artists on the same stage. We originate from Twitch and always love to give back to the community. Therefore we are hosting ANOTHER drum & bass raid train.

This raid train will connect to two unique streams. First, a liveatream right from a barber shop including some really special guests and, second, a 7 hour in real life event with 100 ~ 200 people in attendance including sets by POLYMAHTIC, Lennart Hoffmann and the one and only Guddah! 

We don't like rules, so we are keeping it simple. 

A) Show up in time, making sure you wont run into technical problems (saying hi in chat the slot before you doesn't hurt).

B) Play mostly drum & bass. Playing garage or dubstep to switch things up in parts of ur set is okay ofc!

We will send out some visuals you can use if you want to and some FREE TUNES as well that we have released as a label. These can be found in our Discord which we encourage you join if you want to take part in our events.<


Time table


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