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alt_header_SKY BASS Drum & Bass Raid Train + IRL Event


 SKY BASS Drum & Bass Raid Train + IRL Event

 Sat. 19 August 2023
 11:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

Celebrating Acidion is birthday & streamiversary with a large raid train, ending in an IRL event in a Dutch Club with appearances by POLYMATHIC, The Outsiders, Astreaux, Fryware & the European Club Debut of fellow streamer BltzMac (USA). Make sure to not miss out, and maybe guide later raids this amazing event! READ THESE NOTES BEFORE FILLING IN: A) We discuss details and visuals in the Discord group. If you get in ask for DJ/Streamer permissions. B) It's a long raid train. Please consider filling in the later slots first. First slots will unlock once the train is filling up C) Please don't take more then 2 slots in a row D) Say hi in chat the slot before you to confirm you'll be ready for the next slot. Musical Freedom: 1) Know how to read a crowd/chat/viewer count. Playing techno for half an hour straight in a drum & bass raid train kills the raid train, so please don't so that. 2) Next to that, there are no limitations on what you do music wise. 3) SKY BASS is also a label. We will put all our tunes in the discord for you to download for free. Don't feel forced at all to play those tunes. DISCORD INVITE:


Time table


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