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alt_header_TQN Friday Night Riot EXPRESS Raid Train!


 TQN Friday Night Riot EXPRESS Raid Train!

 Fri. 02 August 2024
 18:30 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)




 About the event

TequilaNation presents: multi genre raid trains with streamers from all over the world!
The Friday Night Riot EXPRESS Raid Train concept was created by Bella Chrome & Mr. Busy to keep the friday night streams going while I was absent due to a streaming break, it was a instant hit with an amazing and excellent variaty in music train by train.  Plenty of reason to keep these trains going from time to time!


1. Turn off the ''Followers Only'' chat mode before you start your slot. Not everybody who participate on the raid is following you and your channel. 

2. Being part of a Raid Train, we ask out of respect for all streamers involved that you start no sooner than 10 minutes before your time slot and raid into the next train participant within 5 minutes after your slot is done. This is to prevent overlap and to support other DJ’s in sharing their music with all of us!

3. Please do not sign up for this event if you have not been a part of the TQN Raid Trains / Friday Night Riot Expresses before or are not invited by one of the TQN fam! Come hang out with us first so we get to know you!

4. If you do not formally sign up for a slot on this event, we kindly ask that you refrain from starting before the first scheduled slot or try to be raided into after the last slot. We schedule these events for those who sign up and promote them, which takes time and effort. Out of respect of this, please just ask for a formal slot if you want to join in. 

5.  Don't be a dick! Not on your own channel, not on other participants their channels. Other streamers on the train might play their music 40 (or more) bpm's lower/higher then you usually do.  These raid trains are all about the variaty in electronic dance music, that includes the slower genre's just as much as the harder genre's, and vice versa.

Thank you!


Time table


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