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 Emotions In Motion

Owner: SezzaSez_Dj
Moderator(s): DanjunaDJ

 About the team

Welcome EIM Fam! Our Next Train will be in July. Keep an eye out here for details. We will post links to flyers and overlays here too! Feel free to message me with any questions, requests to join the train, preferred time slots....

Music without ears to hear it or a heart to feel it is just sound, wandering the silence searching for a home. Music has a home... It's inside all of us and when we play music, we set emotions in motion which cause a chain reaction of joy throughout the world. 'Emotions In Motion: Raid Train' is dedicated to finding artists that are passionate about spreading the joy of music that hits you right in the feels.
This train is all about the deep, organic, progressive and melodic house and breaks. In this busy world, we need to stop and smell the roses before its too late. When music can stop you in your tracks and hit you with a tidal wave of presence. That is the melody of life!

 Team's upcoming events

There are no upcoming events planned or assigned to this team yet.

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