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alt_header_Midnight Ensemble Off Season

 Midnight Ensemble Off Season

Owner: DJ_Zak_Lars
Moderator(s): DJ_Deimos

 About the team

Midnight Ensemble... who are we, you ask? We're a group of people who have a huge passion for music, sharing the life that it brings us with all of you.
Together we bring our individual styles into a harmonious ensemble that is sure to keep you moving late into the evening.
Whether you're up or down, ready to party or just wanting to relax and have a night off with some friends and music, we welcome you to our little family that believes in community and supporting each other.
You can normally find us in Eorzea (Final Fantasy Online) but as we have hit the 'off season' we have gathered here to continue on with the awesome tunes and sharing our passions

 Team's upcoming events

There are no upcoming events planned or assigned to this team yet.

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