Soula Prophet Productions is proud to announce that our Friday raid train 'Flux Yo Speakers Fridays' has begun Season 2 & we look forward to growing our family even bigger this year! Every week is a different theme and/or collaboration with another amazing group of artists. You'll find the information listed below that you need for the weekly train(s).
Resident Djs: Tommy Who & Dj Oracle, Andy Hughes Dominik Audio, Simply Jeff, Inimical_Dj
Monthly Events
1. 'Synergy Spins Fridays'- Hosted by The East Coast Collective DJs
2. 'Frequency Flow Fridays' with Halcyon Syndicate
3. 'Progressive Pulse Friday's- Hosted by The A Team. The name says it all but please feel free to add liquid DnB or Trance if you'd prefer.
4. 'Fraktured Fridays'- Collaboration with Fraktured Nation, Home of The Broken Beat
Season 2 Logos & flyers
Thank you for being here with us! - Soula Flux & Dj Oracle