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Owner: dammbeer

 About the team

TRANCE DT. Un nuevo festival para los domingos.El evento se realizara cada 15 días. Os animamos a todos a participar en TRANCE DT. Los sets serán de 90 minutos. Comenzando a las 11:30 y terminando a las 23:30 que el Lunes se trabaja. Contamos con la colaboración del colectivo FORTALEZA DJS, y SOULSYNC Y SORI1980 REALIZANDO LOS CARTELES DEL EVENTO Y PRINCESS SARA CON LA CREACION DEL LOGO DEL FESTIVAL.Cualquier duda sobre TRANCE DT ponerse en contacto con AV_ENERGY O DAMMBEER TRANCE DT. A new festival for Sundays. The event will be held every 15 days. We encourage you all to participate in TRANCE DT. The sets will be 90 minutes. Starting at 11:30 and ending at 23:30 that work is done on Monday. We have the collaboration of the FORTALEZA DJS collective, and SOULSYNC AND SORI1980 MAKING THE POSTERS OF THE EVENT AND PRINCESS SARA WITH THE CREATION OF THE FESTIVAL LOGO. Any questions about TRANCE DT contact AV_ENERGY OR DAMMBEER

 Team's upcoming events

There are no upcoming events planned or assigned to this team yet.

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