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 Twitch DJs


 About the team

Twitch DJs (TDJs) is a large family of DJs from around the world with strong community values. The PLUR is large with us. We are a raid train group that runs 23 raid train events per month covering almost all genres. We operate events 27 days a month. We welcome all DJs interested in joining our events and our server but a friendly heads up that we do have a strict community values Tiered sign up process in place for our trains. You may enter our server here if you are an interested DJ.

If you wish to keep up with our DJs on Twitch, you can check out our team at our official Twitch team page

Meet the events management team

TestedSilver (co owner) & djbasscrasher (co owner)

DJChrisDC, Mat_lock_DJ, Loverka1, JSounD_001, NT_Demon, Beach2Dancing, jacinta_wolf_raven1, andskimusic, DjGamma1, DJFredHaze, DavidMarsh, dj_stompyscotti, DjCTi, IntoxicatorDK.

 Team's upcoming events

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