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alt_header_InfektedMusic Launch Party


 InfektedMusic Launch Party

 Fri. 12 January 2024
 00:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)


 About the event

Hey there party people, DJs and Producers!!!!

12/30/23 - SIgnups for this raid train are open to all!!! Access Codes have been removed!

FYI - Timeslots I am sitting on are times I regularly play OMFG! and do my weekly :Midnight Run" and bop till I drop :) If you want to play and one of those times is best for ya, let me know!

Please follow our team on Raidpal for this and future events!!!

We do not have any particular overlays or graphical media yet, but will add it as we continue the events. You are requested to contact DJ Zach Tyler ahead of your set to get the stream key for InfektedMusic's Channel. We politely ask that you stream through the channel, but this is not mandatory. If there is some reason you prefer to stream from a personal channel, please let us know in advance for any flyer details.

Setting up the first Greentree hosted raid train and am thrilled. This Raid Train is primarily for Producers, Synthesists, and creators that work hard behind the scenes to deliver the phenominal music we all love. DJs are also very much welcome to this inclusive affair as this is to be a celebration of life, music, and the mad hours we put into our craft. The whole goal of this event and future events is to showcase the art of Music Production, Midi Synthesis, Live Production acts, and good times. Infekted-Music & Infekted-


Time table


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