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alt_header_TSC Friendtrain #18 - in memory of Sash K.


 TSC Friendtrain #18 - in memory of Sash K.

 Fri. 04 April 2025
 10:00 ( UTC ) (connect to view in your timezone)


 About the event

πŸ’° We are one family πŸ’• special fundraiser event for Sash K.´s wife and son. πŸ’•
❀️ TSC Logo and Fundraiser Logo should be visible in your stream during your timeslot.
❀️ plz make sure you pin the fundraiser link in the stream chat - e.g. as command !charity or timer

🎡 Our raidtrain is an event with all kinds of HOUSE MUSIC.
🌐 Please connect you with our TSC Discord Server for the logos and flyer.
⏱️ Let your predecessor know as early as possible in the chat that you will be online to take over.
πŸ’€ If you want us to include you in future raid trains, then be reliable and punctual.
😜 Have fun!

βœ… ... and please don't forget to give our TSC teampage on raidpal a follow.    

As some of you have already noticed, my best friend Saschi aka Sash K. passed away at the end of last year.
Since the streamer community with the Friendtrain is primarily about friendship and a strong community,
I think it's a good idea to design this Friendtrain in the name of Sash K. and to support a fundraiser that I set up
for his wife and son, who now have to go their own difficult way without their husband and dad Saschi.

Additional to the fundraiser there is a good old DJ friend with me in the studio who also was very close to Sash K. 
- DJ Sygs is going to be in the house, too ❀️

Lets do it and have a great Weekend!


Time table


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